Artzray Launches with my Interview

My good friend Marshal Ayers has just launched Artzray, an online e-zine that is dedicated to be a resource to young artist of multiple disciplines. Recognizing that achieving a career in the arts is often nonlinear they have began to compile important information that can help guide young artist.

RIP Sam Coronado


I am sad to say that Sam Coronado passed away November 11th. I had the honor of working with Sam and the great staff from the Serie Project while on a short residency in May of this year. Sam was an accomplished artist and tireless promoter of the arts. He was the founder of the Serie Project and Coronado Studio, co-founder of Mexic-Arte Museum, and a contributor to many other organizations and worked closely with many artists.

To find out more about the work of Sam and the Serie project or if you would like to make a donation to the Serie Project, please follow the link below.

Serie Project